Lunn Studio Fabrics

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        Pattern Designer


        Renowned fiber artists Debra Lunn & Michael Mrowka (pronounced ma-ROOF-ka) of Lunn Studio Fabrics proudly bring their stunning and acclaimed hand-dyed batiks to Robert Kaufman Fabrics. Quiltmakers, hand dyers, and surface designers, the two have been producing fabrics for nearly 40 years.

        Debra Lunn has been making quilts since 1963. While in graduate school for textile design in 1976 at the University of Minnesota, she began hand-dyeing fabrics for use in her own quilts. Debra’s personal art quilts, which feature hand-dyed fabrics that are made at Lunn Studio Fabrics, have continued to be included in national and international juried and invitational exhibitions.

        In 1991, Debra met Michael Mrowka, and they joined together in the endeavor of Lunn Fabrics. Working together, Lunn Fabrics expanded to produce fabrics that are hand-dyed, hand-painted, airbrushed, hand-stamped, and screen-printed.

        In 1994, Debra and Michael began designing fabric for Robert Kaufman where they created innovative lines for commercial production, which include Pointillist Palette, Natural Creations, Vibrations, Prima Materia, Photo Real Clouds, DYE IT! and Precious Metals.

        Debra and Michael are now thrilled to run the batik division, called Artisan Batiks. These one-of-a-kind fabrics are produced on the island of Java in Indonesia by skilled dye masters, and each yard of these sumptuous fabrics is unique. The fabric is hand-stamped and then hand-painted multiple times, with many different pairs of hands working on every yard.

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